The love we share with our dogs is beyond compare, and the time we spend with them is so precious. As a dog photographer, my goal is to create beautiful and special memories that you can keep and revisit in many years to come.


The first step is booking your session. It’s a quick and easy process; you can fill out a contact form here (go to the menu in the top right corner of this page, then click ‘Contact’)


Once the form is complete, we can start preparing for your session. I will schedule a call with you, where we will discuss the details of your session: date, time, and location. We may also begin to consider what you would like to do with your images after the shoot.


Now it’s time for the session. This is where the magic happens! Make sure you leave all of your worries at the door. Your dog’s job is to simply be a dog, and your only job is to enjoy the experience


When the session is complete, we will arrange a further appointment regarding the ordering of your images. This is where the much-anticipated photos are revealed! You can choose your favourites, and I will walk you through all of the options as we decide how your images will be displayed. This process considers a combination of artwork, albums and digital files.


Elation! Your products are in, and you can’t stop smiling at your gorgeous new artwork!